Here is a list of some of the kit I’ve bought since I started out in the hobby. The list is much much much longer though….


I’ve been using Flysky G7P with FS-R7P receivers. I have two at the moment since we (the wife and kid) sometimes take the crawlers with us when we are walking some trails. These transmitters are pretty good except that they seem to draw power from the AA batteries when turned off.

  • Flysky G7P Transmitter
  • Flysky FS-R7P Receiver (installed in Phoenix VS4-10 and SCX10 Pro)
  • Traxxas stock transmitter (used for TRX4)


  • Holmes Hobbies Crawlmaster Pro 550 12T (Installed in a TRX4)
  • Castle Creations 1406-2850KV Sensored (Installed in a Phoenix VS4-10)
  • Hobbywing Fusion Pro 2300kv (Installed in a SCX10 Pro – note that this motor has built in ESC)


  • Hobbywing Quicrun WP 1080 G2 (Installed in a TRX4)
  • Castle Creations Copperhead 10 (Installed in a Phoenix VS4-10)

Tires / wheels

  • Tires – Proliant Hyrax 1.9 G8 4.73″ (Used for day-to-day driving in my SCX10 Pro and Phoenix VS4-10)
  • Tires – Proliant Hyrax 1.9 Predator 4.73″ (Used when I require extra grip on either my SCX10 Pro and Phoenix VS4-10)
  • Tires – Traxxas Canyon Trail (Used for TRX4)
  • Wheels – Bought most of my aluminium wheels from AliExpress